September Goals


I have usually been pretty good about setting monthly goals.  Unfortunately I have not done so since about February.  If you have been a reader for a while, you know that while I set many goals, I do not usually meet them.  This ends up in a lot of guilt on my part and really being hard on myself (something I do quite frequently, and I realize it is a very bad habit.)

I have tried many different ways of setting goals and just can’t come up with anything to stick.  I can’t just not set goals.  I feel that by setting goals, I am challenging myself to become the best me possible.  There are a number of things that I am not happy about with myself, and I know if I keep at it, I will build positive habits that will take over the negative ones.

I have been struggling in about every aspect of my life and feeling like I am not good enough:  Not a good enough mom, wife, teacher, photographer, friend, etc.  Again, I know I am very hard on myself, but that seems to be the worst habit of all that I just can’t break.  I think what makes it the worst is that I constantly compare myself to others.  I constantly think that other people have everything figured out, and I am the only one who is struggling.  I tell myself this is not true, but I just can’t escape it.

For the month of September, I am going to focus on positivity and balance in my life.  I have never focused on these two things, I think if I spend a whole month doing so, it will help my outlook on life.

My two main goals for September are

1) No negative self-talk.  This is going to be HARD for me.  Every time I get frustrated, look in the mirror, look around at the messy  house, look at my super messy desk, think about my stagnant to-do list I start in on the negative self-talk.  I know that this is one of my greatest challenges I have ever tried, but I think it’s going to help!

2) Find time for me and savor it.  Right now this is very difficult with Hubs and I on opposite schedules.  I do not have much time away from the little one, even when I am home.  I want to make a list of one thing I want to do every day just for me.  This isn’t going to include blogging, the budget, cooking, etc.  These are things just for me.  With the cooler weather coming, I am hoping to take advantage of enjoying my evenings outside once Miss C goes to bed.
I also want to begin the habit of savoring life.  I want to take it in and become in tune with my senses.  No phone next to me during this time.  I go through so many things in my day without really thinking about them.  I fly through things that I even enjoy and don’t truly take them in.  I want to change this.
This goal is just for me.

I think these two goals will be very difficult to complete, but I like to think I am up for the task.

I will have typical goals each week, but I am going to save that for a different post.  Today is the first day of September, and I am not sure what I am going to do for myself this evening.  I think it may involve a cup of hot tea and some time on the deck with my journal.  That sounds absolutely heavenly.

What are your goals for this month?

3 thoughts on “September Goals

  1. Good for you!! I love these goals, Jessie! It’s so hard to not be down on ourselves… i’m the same way! I do a lot, know I do a lot and people tell me they can’t get over how much I do, yet i’m always “Ugh, I didn’t get #11 & 12 done!”

  2. Pingback: Year in Review | Confessions of a Resolutionist

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