2018 Financial Goals

I honestly haven’t given much thought to my financial goals. I think that’s one problem with having debt paid off.  We have a little bit more wiggle room, so we haven’t been as strict.  This is something that needs to change! Here a few loose goals I have come up with:

*Get emergency fund to $10,000 by next June. I truly hope we can achieve this sooner, but I figure if something happens and we need to dip into the emergency fund for something, this will give us time to rebuild it.
*Find a financial advisor and meet with him/her before the end of 2018.
*Stay within our eating out budget 50% of the time each month. (This is the one area of our budget that never seems to work out.)
*Rework the budget to start putting away money for a car down payment.  Hubs’s car is 9 years old.  I sure it still has a few more good years left, but it would be AH-MAZING if we could pay cash for his next car.  It’s lofty, but I think it’s feasible.

A lot of these goals are pretty long-term, but I think that if we really focus hard and work hard, then we will be able to achieve them!

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