Money, Baby, and School

I am here for some updates!  I know everyone has been waiting on the edge of their seats to hear from me… No?  Oh, well, that’s fine.  I am still around, but have been very busy with life.  Here’s what’s going down:


I haven’t updated the sidebars, but I am happy to announce that we only have one more payment to the CC, and we will be credit card debt free!  I paid $350 last month, and we will only have about $300 and change to pay next month!  It feels so good!

I also planned out our budget through the end of the year.  I know things come up, and it won’t be perfect, but it feels good to see how things are panning out.  I know that we had already come up with a plan for what we were going to do with the money we would have from having the CC paid off, but those plans have changed for the short-term.  We will be traveling for Christmas and could possibly have to get a hotel room, so the $300-$350 that normally went to the CC will be put in a Christmas traveling fund.  We will have almost $1,000 saved up by then, and should easily be able to make our trip without having any money problems.  It is still up in the air where we are going, exactly, but we will have the funds for it!  Whatever is left over in that fund after Christmas, will be split up into our other savings accounts.


The baby has found my ribs.  It gets quite uncomfortable at times, but we are managing.  I have my next appointment next Thursday, so there will be a bump report coming soon.

About a week or so ago, I had to go back to the doctor for the long glucose test.  I had failed my first, short test, and needed to be retested.  Well, I am happy to report that I passed!  No gestational diabetes for me!  I really had kind of figured that I would have it, but am so relieved that I don’t.

74 days until my due date!  When seeing it as days versus months or weeks, that seems crazy!  Not much time left!

We have the crib here and plan to put it together this weekend.  Once it it together, I will put up a picture of it.  We don’t have a mattress or bedding for it yet, but at least we will have a crib.


This year has been a challenging one.  I have a student teacher, which has been amazing!  I don’t think I could have made it this far without her.  The majority of my class is darling!  They say some of the funniest things and are very loving.  I have some very active boys, though, that wear me out and are a challenge to keep contained and under control.  I pray for strength and patience about every day around 7:55 before they come into the classroom.  l seem to come home exhausted every day, but I don’t think it is all related to my pregnancy.  First graders can wear you down.

I think once the class get more used to my expectations and what I want from them, the days will be a bit smoother.  Until then, they are still pushing boundaries and seeing what they can get away with.

I do have to say that they are very eager to learn!  They love writing and seem to love most of the activities we do, so that is always nice.

I really wish I could bottle up their energy and sell it.  I think I would make a fortune!


That’s about all I have for now.  I will be back this weekend.  I think this (long) weekend will be a lot of relaxing and soaking up time with Hubs.  Since we are on opposite schedules, it is very hard to connect during the week.  I look forward to each weekend and spending time with him.

How are things going in your life?  I hope you enjoy the long weekend (if you get one)… If not, enjoy your regular weekend!

Sunday Night Chit Chat

Love This!
(Click on the image to be taken to original site)

It’s been a few weeks since I have played along, so here we go.  For those of you who are new, you can check out the rules and link up your own blog at Carla’s blog.

What are you…

Reading?  I have started reading a health book.  It is along the lines of 365 health tips.  I have the book downstairs and don’t feel like running down there to see the title exactly.  It goes through everyday health concerns but also goes into specific health concerns, such as women’s health or men’s health.

Watching? Nothing is on so we are watching a replay of the Chiefs/Seahawks preseason game right now.

Listening to? The TV, Hubs and my keyboards, the overhead fan.

Cooking/Baking?  Tonight we had steaks on the grill, roasted potatoes, bread (frozen bread– bread from scratch scares me), salads.  I also hard boiled an egg for a salad for tomorrow’s lunch.

Happy you accomplished this week?  Where should I begin?  I got so much done this weekend!  My entire house is scrubbed and clean!  I got my lesson plans done for the week last night.  I have been working on our budget for the rest of the year and have made it to November.  I did all the laundry.  I updated our financial database and checkbook register. Hubs and I took the dogs on a short walk this evening.  I feel so productive!

Looking forward to next week?  My parents should be picking up our crib and bringing it over tomorrow.  Hubs and I will put it together next Saturday!  It will be quite exciting!  Also, a coffee date with some teacher friends!

Thankful for today?  Hubs!  He gave me a great back massage.  Not surprisingly, as this baby gets bigger I seem to ache more and more.  I know it won’t get any better either.

Bonus thankfuls:  My sister-in-law (Hubs’ sister) sent us a surprise in the mail.  We had given her the task of finding a specific outfit for baby.  It is going to be the baby’s coming home outfit, and we got it in the mail today!  (It probably actually was there yesterday, considering mail doesn’t come on Sunday, but I didn’t make it to the box yesterday due to rain.)

Also, my mother-in-law sent us a sweet “Thinking of You” card along with some gift cards to one of our favorite restaurants.  We have eaten out way too much this month, so this was a great surprise!  We will be able to eat out again!
Now it’s your turn!  Answer the questions in the comments section or on your blog and link up to Carla’s!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for another full week ahead!


Photo Credit

I have a feeling I am in the nesting stage at this point.  I have had one of the most productive Saturdays ever.  Here is a quick rundown of everything I accomplished today:

  • Thoroughly cleaned entire downstairs (bathroom, laundry room, bedroom, hallway area)
  • Did all of the laundry (Unfortunately I had to use the dryer since it was raining all day, but that is part of the reason I was able to get it all done in one day)
  • Had a lovely lunch with the Hubs (and scored free coupons for free appetizers the next time we go)
  • Tried to pick up our crib, but it didn’t fit in the car.  My mom and dad are going to pick it up tomorrow or Monday for us.  This will be the fifth (and I think last) piece of furniture for the baby.  It is the only new one that has been bought from a big box store.  The glider came from a garage sale.  The dresser came from a flea market.  The recliner in our bedroom came from a vintage/antique sale.  The cradle in our bedroom was handmade by my dad for my sister when she was pregnant with our nephews (and will be passed on for each grandchild).
  • Took a nap
  • Made dinner (super easy– grilled cheese and tomato soup)
  • Completed lesson plans for the week

Here are some things I still want to get done before bed:

  • Create worksheets for the week
  • Create Mimios (interactive lessons on the computer) for the week

I think I can get it all done!  If I get all those things completed tonight, that means I can work on a few homework assignments tomorrow, get the upstairs cleaned, run errands, and just relax.

If this is not nesting, then I don’t know what is!

So Busy!

The beginning of the school year is always so busy!  I love the newness of it all, and I love getting to know my little ones!  It is exhausting, though.  During regular years, it is exhausting, but carrying around a 6 month pregnant belly makes it even more so!  Luckily I have an amazing student teacher right now who is completely on the same page as me when it comes to classroom management and teaching styles.  It also helps that she understands what my pregnant brain says because it doesn’t always make sense.

I can’t believe that we are already a full week into school!   Last Tuesday was our first day.  It always goes so fast!  Unfortunately I wasn’t at school today.  I had my 3 hour, fasting glucose test.  Remember… I failed the short test.  *sad face*  Today Hubs and I sat in the doctor’s waiting room from 8:30 until 11:30.  I got poked with a needle four times in that three hour block.  I still do not have much hope that I will pass this test.  The only good thing is that if I do fail, this will force me to make some much needed dietary changes in my life.  I do not eat healthily and need to start doing so.  It will be a tough change, but a good one.

Lately I have been so far behind on so many things in my life.  My house desperately needs vacuumed and bathrooms need deep cleaned!  I need to do our budget and input expenses.  It has been a very expensive month, and once I get caught up I will do a post about it.  I did pay our next to last payment to the CC!!  Next month that CC debt will be wiped out!  I can’t wait!!

Not much else going on lately.  I have a photo shoot set up in a couple weeks for my cousin, his wife, and their newborn daughter.  I haven’t done a photo shoot in a while, so I am really excited to get back to it!

How are things going around your area?

Short Update

So, I heard back from the doctor today… My blood sugar was high.  I was at 152 and the cut off is 135.  She said it wasn’t super high, but it sure sounds high to me.  My hemoglobin was slightly low… 11.6 when it should be between 12 and 16.  I have had iron problems in the past, so this is not a surprise.  I will start an over the counter iron supplement soon.

I have the long 3 hour glucose test next Tuesday, so wish me luck!

Here are two ways to know that school is back in session:

  1. I called my classroom “home” today.  It does become my second home, and considering I was there for 12 hours straight, this does not come as a total surprise.
  2. My Google Reader currently stands at 223 unread blog posts.  I have not sat down to read more than about 2 or 3 at a time since Monday evening.  I have a lot of reading to do this weekend.

It is almost 9:00 here, and I don’t have plans made out for tomorrow.  I should probably get to work on that so I can get to bed soon!  I will be back this weekend, I hope.  (And I hope to stop by some blogs and leave some comments… I promise I haven’t forgotten about you all!)

27 Week Bump Report

27 Weeks, 1 Day!

I forgot to put my glasses back on for this photo… I don’t wear them ALL the time, and they usually come off when I get home from work.  Also, please excuse the quality of the photo.  It was a self-portrait using a box as my camera stand and the timer.  I had 10 seconds to get down half a flight of stairs, situated, and smile before the camera took the photo. I have fancy clothes on since we had our second day of school today!

How far along?  27 weeks and 1 day!  I started my third and final trimester yesterday.  Woo-hoo!

How big is the baby?  It weighs over 2 pounds and is about 15 inches from head to toe.  They compared the weight to a head of cauliflower or a rutabaga.  (Two items I have never held in my life.)

Total weight gain?  24.6 lbs.  At my last appointment we were a little concerned about having gained 7 lbs in 4 weeks twice in a row.  The midwife told me she wanted me to gain only about 0.5 to 1 lb a week this time around.  I managed to gain 4.6 lbs in 4 weeks.  Not perfect, but better than 7 lbs in 4 weeks!  I am officially tipping the scales at 129.6 lbs.  Scary to think that I will be over 130 next time I go in!

Sleep?  Last night I was so tired that I could have slept through about anything.  The night before, though, the baby was moving like crazy!  The movements are often and strong enough to keep me awake, although they do not not actually wake me up if I am asleep.  I haven’t been having too much trouble sleeping, but when I lie down to sleep, that seems to be the time the baby wants to play around.

Maternity Clothes?  Yup.  I am excited that I have more reasons to wear nicer maternity clothes, though.  I was getting tired of cycling through jean shorts, khaki shorts, and an array of solid colored tops.  Now I get to wear nice clothes for work!  I am also looking forward to cooler weather and being able to wear long sleeves and long pants!

Best Moment of the Week?  We had Meet the Teacher night on Monday and I heard one of my first graders lean over and whisper to her mom, “Is Mrs. L going to have a baby?”  They are so sweet and innocent.  At least she had an idea and didn’t just think I was fat. 🙂

Food Cravings?  I had a really strong craving for Little Caesar’s crazy bread this afternoon, but it wasn’t enough that I ran out and got it.

Food Aversions?  Nothing really.  I think I am pretty much past that at this point.

Symptoms?  Back and hip pain!  I also had swollen ankles a few times this past month (including today).   I have had a few Braxton Hicks contractions, but they are few and far between… they just feel really weird.

Another “symptom” would be crazy hair!  I had heard that your hair will grow and get thicker, but it’s at a point that I don’t know what to do with it.  I feel like it is HUGE!  I naturally have rather voluminous hair, so now that it is thicker I feel like it has taken on a life of its own.  Thank goodness for kind friends who have complimented it lately.  They make me feel much better.

Exercise?  Um, does keeping up with first graders count?  Oh yeah, and walking between the copier and my classroom a million times a day.  I have really done bad with exercising.  There is no excuse, and maybe with the weather getting nicer, I will start taking a (or both) dogs out for a walk when I get home from work.  I am sure they could use it.

I did go shopping for hours one day  a couple weeks ago.  I am sure we walked numerous miles!

Movement? This child just waits until I sit down or lie down to go crazy!  Even while I teach… as soon as I sit down to read a story or take a small break, this baby starts rolling around.  I have noticed that the movements are turning into more rolling and more fluid movements rather than just random thumps.  It is definitely running out of room in there!

Next appointment?  3 weeks!  I will be 30 weeks along, and then we go to 2 week appointments.  I can’t believe we are already at that point!  It is going so fast!
I had the glucose blood draw today and should have results in 24-48 hours.  Hopefully no gestational diabetes!  Keep your fingers crossed!

It Has Begun

How has it been 5 days since I blogged last?  It was always on my to-do list, but always got pushed to the side.  The past two days have been full of meetings at school and getting ready for the school year to officially begin.  My school to-do list is about a mile and a half long.  I have been bringing things home to work on, working on things at school, going in a little early before meetings to work on stuff, and it still is never done.  I guess I should get used to it.

This year I have 22 little first graders and will get to meet some of them on Monday at “Meet the Teacher” night.  I love that our school has started this.  I did it last year, and it made the beginning of the year go so much smoother!  A lot of students brought in supplies early, so I was able to deal with those before the rush of the first day.  I also got to put faces with names.  I have been labeling everything with names, so I know what their names are, I just don’t know their faces yet!  Last year when I did a “Meet the Teacher” afternoon on my own, I think almost half of my kiddos showed up!  Now that it is something that is school-wide, I hope I get to meet even more of my students before we begin our year together!

Later today or tomorrow I am going to write up a list of personal goals for myself for this school year.  I have already started with my main goal:  Be More Positive!  I know that I am not teaching my ideal grade level and will probably have some struggles in my room (like every year), but I need to remain positive.  During a meeting yesterday, the speaker who was there said that we expect our kids to bring their best to school each day, and we need to do the same.  I need to make sure that I am bringing my best to the table every day in order to make first grade a spectacular time for my little firsties.  I have already caught myself complaining and getting upset about some politics and whatnot at school, and I can’t let that bring me down.

Monday will be our last day to work in our classroom before our kids come for good.  I *promise* to get pictures.  My camera seems to have found a comfy spot by the couch and never comes with me when I go to school.  But I will make sure to get some classroom pictures up soon!

Next week is going to be hectic!  Here is a glimpse at what I am working with:

Monday:  Work day 11:30-7:00 (It is adjusted to take into account the Meet the Teacher night)
Tuesday: 1/2 Day with students, 1/2 Day meetings, Hubs’ birthday!!
Wednesday- 1/2 Day with students, 1/2 Day meetings, Dr. Appointment (glucose test)
Thursday- Full day with students, Parents Only Night 6:00-7:30
Friday- Full day with students, Swim day at school 12:30-2:30, Kid’s consignment sale after school

Busy, busy!  Just a few notes:

  • I am not looking forward to my doctor’s appointment on Wednesday.  I have to do the glucose testing to determine if I have gestational diabetes, and I have pretty much given up any chance that I don’t.
  • On days that we have things after school, like on Thursday, I end up staying at school all day.  My commute is about 25 minutes one way, so if I were to leave school at 3:40, get home at 4:05, I would just have to turn around and leave home at 5:30 to get back to school by 6:00.  It’s not worth it, so I will be at school for 12 hours that day.
  • On Friday, we are taking the first grade swimming.  I really hope that it is not triple-digits like it has been most of the summer.  Right now the forecast is 85 F, so let’s hope that actually happens.  I may not end up being a super grumpy, 6 month pregnant woman by the end of the day if the temps stay in the 80s.
  • Friday’s consignment sale has nothing to do with school, but is something I signed up for (to shop at, not sell at).  I went to one last spring that was hosted by the same group, and got some good deals.  I ended up with some onsies and maternity clothes.  Hopefully this one will be successful also.

That’s about it for now.  Hopefully I will get into more of a routine as the school year progresses and I will be able to blog more regularly.  How have things been going around your area?

Last 3 Days

It is the last 3 days of summer break for me!  Ahhh!  I can’t believe the summer went by that quickly!  It always does, but this past summer really seemed to fly.  I have 3 days until I officially have to report back to school for meetings and such.  The kiddos start school next Tuesday with a half day, then Wednesday is a half day, and Thursday is the real full start of school.  Yikes!  Lots to do!

Here are my goals for this week:

*Vacuum the house (the dog hair is taking over!)
*Get my classroom finished and pictures taken
*Help Hubs go through clothes to thin down closet
*Drop off clothes at resale place to try to make a little money
*Start a nightly routine that will continue into the school year
*Get to Mom and Dad’s to organize stuff there and bring home rubbermaid containers
*Get new budget figured out
*Input dates and information on new school calendar
*Create new lesson plan page for this year
*Make phone call about student loan stuff

I think that is it!  I know it’s a lot, but I should be able to get them all done!  Hubs thinks I need to get as much done at school today and tomorrow and not go in on Wednesday.  He thinks it would be sad if I went to school on my very last day of summer break.  I think I am going to try that and see if I can do it!  That way, I can get our home squared around so the school year starts smoothly.

Fun Questions

I was reading Carla’s blog earlier this morning and she had a fun post of questions to answer.  Since I have a bit of free time this afternoon, I thought I would take some time to answer them for you!

1. You have 10 dollars and need to buy snacks at a gas station. What do you get?

If I am at a gas station to buy snacks, I am usually with Hubs, and we are traveling.  We would probably be able to get out snacks and drinks using just the $10.  I would get a candy bar (probably a Snickers or 100 Grand) and a water.  Hubs would probably get some popcorn and a pop.

2. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be?

A dolphin!  I think they are such fun animals!  They look happy all the time.

3. Who’s your favorite redhead?

I don’t know many redheads, but I would have to say my co-worker Ashley.  She is currently pregnant and due about a week and a half after me, so we have had lots to talk about and compare.  She is such a fun and bubbly person to be around!

4. What do you order when you’re at IHOP?

I always look at the healthy menu to make myself feel better, but I usually end up ordering French Toast.  I love french toast and since we don’t go to IHOP very often, I go ahead and get it.  We are going this coming week, though, so I am looking forward to that!

5. Last book you read?

I can’t say I really remember.  Since starting my Masters, my books have consisted of textbooks, but I can’t say that I have read them cover to cover.  I did read a whole lot of young adult and children’s books for one of my classes, but I can’t remember which one was the last one.

6. Describe your mood.

Content and exhausted.  I got a lot done this afternoon, including cleaning and errands.  I am exhausted because my mom, sister, and sister-in-lawish person went shopping all day.  It was a lot of walking.  We went to the farmer’s market where I picked up 3 cucumbers for $2 and an antler for Rose for $5.  Then we went to a flea market where I got some books for my classroom for $6 and a dresser for the baby’s room for $10.  Then we headed to downtown of our nearest big city and went to lots of different refurbished furniture and antique places.  I got a great recliner for our room for $50!  Needless to say, after a day of walking I had HUGE cankles and am pretty sore.

7. Describe the last time you were injured.

Injured?  Probably last summer when Rose pulled me down the deck stairs, and I sprained my ankle.  I have had other things medically and sickness wise happen to me, but that was my last injury… If you haven’t read that story, you can check it out here.

8. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with?

I would probably pick Holly.  She and I would have quite some fun down there: mainly by singing some Journey songs.  I think our singing voices would get us rescued… if only because people wanted us to be quiet.

9. Rock concert or symphony?

Neither.  I am not a big live music person.  I would rather stay at home and snuggle with the pups and Hubs in front of a movie.

10. What is the wallpaper of your cell phone? The number?

Bandit.  I have a picture of him when he was in the car on the way to Petco.  He looked super happy, so I snapped a picture and now he is what I see when I turn on my phone.  I know everyone would love my phone number, but I am not putting out there for you guys… so sorry.

11. Favorite soda?

Pepsi, although I really don’t drink much soda at all.

12. What type of shirt are you wearing?

Pink maternity shirt.  It is one of my only maternity shirts that doesn’t have elastic on the sides.  It is quite comfy.

13. If you could only use one form of transportation?

I enjoy driving.  I wouldn’t mind a new vehicle to drive, but I would probably choose that.

14. Most recent movie you have watched in theater?

I think it was Madagascar 3.  Hubs and I may go see The Campaign for his birthday (which is in about a week and a half).

15. Name an actor/actress/singer you have had the hots for.

Top on my “List” is Michael Buble.  I love his voice and have seen him live twice.  He is an amazing entertainer and is hilarious!

16. What’s your favorite kind of cake?

Coffee Cake!  I love anything with cinnamon sugar, so this is an easy one for me.  I always have my mom make a super rich chocolate cake for my birthday, though.  It’s the only time of year I get it.

17. What did you have for dinner last night?

We were lazy and had Sonic.  After being gone all day shopping and being so tired, I picked up Sonic for dinner.  I think it was our only fast food meal last week.

18. Look to your left, what do you see?

Rose is immediately to my left, snuggling up close.  Beyond that is Hubs.  We are camped out on the couch watching some TV.

19. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

Nope… I am too lazy and the backs of my shoes pay for it.

20. Favorite toy as a child?

My teddy.  I still have him and he sleeps with me every night.

21. Do you buy your own groceries?

Unfortunately, yes.  I hate grocery shopping with a passion, but I do it every week.  That was one of my errands today and I was under budget again!  Great sales and coupons today!

22. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?

I don’t think so, but who knows.  I don’t think I would be very interesting to talk about.

23. When was the last time you had gummy worms?

Not sure, but those sound delicious!

24. What’s your favorite fruit?

Probably black plums.  I hate the skin of them, though, but the fruit is so sweet and juicy!  I have a couple in the fridge right now, and I may have to have one for dessert tonight.

25. Do you have a picture of yourself doing a cartwheel?

I am pretty sure there is one out there somewhere.  I was a gymnast for most of my elementary years.  I did competitive gymnastics until I got burned out when I was about 10 or so.

There ya go!  So fun facts about Miss Jessie!  Feel free to play along on your blog or answer your favorite question in my comments!  I should be back tonight with Sunday Night Chit Chat.

A Struggle

I have been thin my whole life.  I am a petite person and barely stand at 5′ 2″.  I didn’t pass 100 lbs (45.3 kg) until I was a sophomore in high school.  I have never given blood because I did not weigh enough. (You have to weigh 110 lbs/49.9 kg)

I now weigh much more than ever.  I am struggling with this fact quite a bit.  I realize that yes, I am supposed to be gaining weight, but it is still very hard to see myself in a mirror or look at numbers on a scale.  I know that I am not gaining weight just because of lifestyle choices.  There is a living little baby inside me who is growing.  I have amniotic fluid, a placenta, and a baby.  All those things together have made my belly expand, and my weight go up.

When I was in high school, my best friend joked that when I got pregnant I would look like a straw with a grape stuck in it.  I would agree that this is a somewhat accurate picture of me right now.  I still struggle, though.  I feel like I am too large and have gained too much weight.

Today someone asked when my due date was.  I told her it was in November, and she looked absolutely shocked!  She then told me that she didn’t think I would make it that far because I looked about ready to go now.  I am only 5 1/2 months pregnant.  I still have over 3 months to go.  Those words stung.  I smiled and laughed, though, because I was supposed to.  I am sure she didn’t realize that what she said really played on my uncertainties at this point.  What she said really bothered me.

Lately I have been scrutinizing everything that I eat because I don’t want to eat too much.  I do eat 3 meals a day and snack once or twice between, but I am really worried that it is too much at times.  I have already gained 20 pounds (9 kg).  I don’t want to gain more than 35 lbs (15.8 kg).  That is the upper end of what is recommended, but I don’t know if that will happen.  I am also torn because I don’t want deprive my baby.  It is a constant struggle on a daily basis.

So, if you are ever faced with a pregnant woman, please do not tell her that she looks ready to pop at any point or that you don’t think she is going to make it to her due date.  I can pretty much guarantee that she does not feel good about her body and the weight she has gained.  Your words, even in joking, can sting deeper than you think.