Hello Out There!


Anyone still remember me?  Yeah, I figured not.  It’s been a very long time since I last posted… months and months.  Those months and months have been hectic!

Since I last posted Hubs and I had our second little one… a sweet baby girl!  We definitely love our family of 4, but having 2 kids is no joke!  I don’t know how people with more than 2 do it.  I am not sure I will ever know what it feels like to not be tired anymore.

I also started my 10th year teaching.  I am still in second grade for my third year in a row.  I have definitely enjoyed it, although one of my dear friends was moved down to 1st grade, and we don’t share a door anymore.  We do make sure to see each other daily and occasionally bring each other yummy treats.

Our oldest daughter started her first year of preschool!  She loves it and although it is hard at times for this momma, I love hearing the stories that she comes home with.  I sure do wish I could be a fly on the wall in the classroom.

I still haven’t gotten into a groove with working full time and being a mom of 2.  I am not sure if there is a groove that I will ever get into.  Right now it’s doubly tough because of Hubs’ schedule.  He currently works weekends, so I am on my own on the weekends.  He is on his own on Wednesday-Friday.  Despite not having much time as a whole family, we do make the effort to sit and have dinner together every night.  We also try to enjoy our time when we do have the occasional day off together.

Because I haven’t gotten into the groove of life, I have not been able to get organize or stay on top of things around the house.  I am constantly feeling like I am treading water… both at home and at school.  I hope that by blogging again, I will have that accountability that will help me stay on top of things.

One thing I am going to do is have a No-Spend November.  My goal is to buy nothing that is not a need.  I have been a little loosey goosey with our budget lately, I need to get reign things in.  I want to try and make more meals at home, not buy coffee, not buy any clothes or shoes that are not a necessity. (I believe C is going through a growth spurt, so some clothes and shoes may become a necessity down the line.)  I haven’t figured out our budget for November (which was on my to-do list for this weekend… but again, can’t get into the groove of things).

I hope to be back tomorrow with more November goals and hopefully a budget!